Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Butter wouldn't melt...

I am currently reading this fantastic book called, "A pressure cooker saved my life" by Juanita Phillips. In it she talks about the exhaustion caused by a new baby and broken sleep.

In fact, she says that sleep deprivation was an approved torture technique used in Guantanamo Bay but the rules (rules for torture - who knew?) were that the tortured detainee must be allowed four consecutive hours of sleep every 24 hours.

Oh man, that is more hours of sleep in a row than I get at present!!

This morning when I woke up after another night of too little sleep I had decided to call this blog entry, "The tortured sleep".

Obviously I didn't.

Last night I stayed up a bit too late doing my own thing after the kiddies were all in bed. Just as I turned out the light Ben started to cry. I went and settled him and after about half an hour the house was totally quiet again and I could relax and finally fell asleep.

Not long later (1:06am according to Lynden's bedside clock) I was woken up by Benjamin again. After feeding him I took myself back to bed again hoping to sleep until morning.

A bit longer later (4:26am - Lynden's clock) and I was up again to a crying baby. He didn't want to settle so I decided to bring him in to our bed to see if we could both go back to sleep together.

Finally at a bit before 5am Ben was placed back in his bed and I went back in to a light sleep until morning.

It is now 5:00pm and I still feel so tired...While Ben hasn't been his 100% happy self you can see from this picture that the night really hasn't affected him too badly. Hence, the blog title!

Here's hoping for a better night's sleep tonight.

PS. What do I do on Thursdays? Anything I want to (that needs doing, that Ben will let me do etc..).

1 comment:

  1. Aww isn't he a cutie. Easily forgiven when they're that cute. The good thing is that it doesn't last forever and in the whole sceem of things it's such a short time in our lives (thankfully). Enjoy the moments :)
