Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mamma, change your attitude!

My kids really like music and they have some exposure to music with Lynden and I leading song worship at church sometimes, Daddy playing guitar, trumpet and French horn, Grandpa playing violin and Grandma playing piano.

The girls have been learning about various instruments with Lynden via general chit-chat and they have been desperate to go to a concert.

And so that is how I found myself sitting in a busy auditorium with three kids watching The Advent Brass Band perform last Saturday night.

I must confess that when Lynden told me he wanted to take the girls to the concert I wasn't very keen. I actually wanted to shelve that idea in the "one day" file and never really think about it again! My lack of interest stemmed from the thought of trying to keeping three kiddies happy in a concert hall where others have paid good money to sit and enjoy a concert. It sounded like the night from hell to me. I would have used Benjamin as an excuse to stay home part of Em's excitement was the fact that we were all going as a family.

Because I attended with such a negative vibe, the night was going as I expected. Benjamin was squirmy and cranky as he wanted to be asleep in his cot, Jessica kept dropping things and I was having to find things in the dark and Emily kept asking question after question. I felt frazzled and annoyed!

During the 2nd half I found myself beginning to relax. Ben and Jess fell asleep and Emily's questions lessened and I really started to enjoy the performance.

On the drive home I was thinking about my attitude. I had originally wanted to put the whole event in the "too hard" basket but my wonderful husband wanted to embrace the idea and create a great memory and learning experience for our kids (must be the teacher in him).

1 comment:

  1. I think you forgot to mention YOUR amazing voice! But so glad you went. Sometimes the events we dread are the ones we're really glad we went to. Glad you made the effort. And yes, you may have to go to another one, and another, and... x
